Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Intergalactic Invaders Day, 22nd July 2012 at Woodhorn

Since 2010 we've run an annual Dalek event featuring a number of Daleks, Cybermen, Vampires, Doctors, props and we bring our own Tardis to transport the lot. :)

This year on 22nd July to celebrate the Woodhorn Invasion Exhibition and to raise a tonne of money for charity we're holding an Intergalactic Invasion at Woodhorn near Ashington, Northumberland.

The great thing about the site itself it that it will be a free event for the visitors, so all the money collected in the buckets goes towards the charities. This will include a Wheelchair Accessible carriage fund and other charities to be confirmed closer to the event.

We can only do unique Dalek events for so long, so this year we're throwing it out to costume groups to come along and introduce themselves to the expectant visitors. Visitors from far and wide will be invading the grounds to protect or exterminate their way through the crowds.We're expecting a mix of Scifi film and TV including characters from Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, and maybe the odd Alien and Predator TBC.

Activities planned for the day include the annual Treasure Hunt, Raffle to win some signed photos and props plus other stuff, Dealers Tables, chats on how to build Daleks and Stormtroopers, our usual audience with, but this year with more unusual guests, a Scifi Quiz and a hunt for the Tardis key plus loads more.
We're grateful to the staff at Woodhorn who let us organise a FREE (except for all the fundraising/parking) and fun day.

This is our third year running an event at Woodhorn and I'm hoping it'll be the biggest ever.

Update: The info page is now live on the Woodhorn Website : Invaders Day