Friday, 22 November 2013

Happy Birthday Doctor Who

Hey there,

Busy day today, first it's off to BBC Radio Newcastle for a quick interview and then it's off to spend most of the day at Forbidden Planet on Grainger Street in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, where Bruce the Dalek will be making an appearance.

After that an evening at Boldon Cineworld to watch "The Day of the Doctor".

A fun and exhausting day.

See you somewhere in space and time.


Saturday, 26 October 2013

NCD @ Dimensions

Great to see everyone at Dimensions this weekend. NCD returns for it's nth trip to the great local Doctor Who event. Now at the Copthorne Hotel in Newcastle Upon Tyne the folks were out in force to see Who guests in it's 50th year.

See you soon.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Intergalactic Invaders Day, 21st July 2013 at Woodhorn

Since 2010 we've run an annual Dalek event featuring a number of Daleks, Cybermen, Vampires, Doctors, Aliens, Predators and Colonial Marines.

Well, we're back to invade Woodhorn again. Lots of great activities planned and more fun talks.

Check out the activities.

We're grateful to the staff at Woodhorn who let us organise a FREE (except for all the fundraising/parking) and fun day.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Universal Alliance

Hey guys,

A North East England costume group has recently been set up and we've agreed to help out with Daleks if needed. Visit the UA on Facebook at and like them if you want.


P.S. Still waiting patiently of word from the MOST EXCELLENT Maker Faire.